As a community we teach and affirm “The Gospel” as that which comes from the faithful representation of Jesus Christ himself and his Apostles’ original message. In order to faithfully adhere to and represent the message first presented by them, we hold the following truths as objective and essential to the faith. This means that rather than re-interpreting or re-creating teachings to better fit the 21st century, we humbly stand in line and on the shoulders of the faithful multitude who have lived and often died to maintain the trustworthy bridge from Jesus and the Apostles to this very day.

We endeavor to teach and pass along what can be described as historic, orthodox, apostolic (biblical) Christianity. To hear us speak much more on this and specific doctrines, please join us at each of our four core Gospel Classes presented throughout the year. Below is a summary.


We teach and affirm:


the trinity

There is One God who eternally exists as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.




The second person of the Trinity, God the Son, took on flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Born of the virgin Mary, the one true God wed himself to humanity in the one unchanging man Jesus. He was and continues to be both fully God and fully man in one person, the God-man Jesus Christ.



the work of jesus

Through his incarnation, atoning death, and bodily resurrection Jesus accomplishes the salvation of his people and inaugurates the Kingdom of God. Jesus will one day physically return to complete his mission of reuniting heaven and earth, thus establishing his everlasting Kingdom.



humanity’s Greatness & Guilt

All people are created in God’s image, possessing true innate value, but all have rebelled against God in sin and fall short of the glory for which God intended. This sin in nature and deed leads to true guilt before a holy God, resulting in everlasting separation from God, both physical and spiritual death, apart from the application of Jesus’ reconciling work on our behalf.



salvation ThrOUGH Christ Alone, By Faith Alone

Created for relationship with God, we must be reconciled to God by being set free from sin. Jesus makes this possible for us through his life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit. We cannot earn this salvation by being “good enough” — it is an undeserved gift. We must — like a child — simply accept the gift of grace as given to us by God. We participate in the salvation Christ secured for us by faith (trusting) in Jesus as our living Lord & Savior.




God is not silent. God has revealed himself and his plan in 66 books of the Old and New Testament Scriptures. The exact words of God were breathed out through the heads, hearts, and hands of the prophets and apostles, and are thus fully inspired as God’s inerrant (not leading us to error about God) and trustworthy communication to all humanity. Each part of the cannon of Scripture uniquely directs us toward our Redeemer Jesus Christ (the Messiah); for in Christ alone we will find the fulfillment of all Scripture, all truth, and all life as God has intended.


If you’re interested in a more detailed explanation of each point above, check out our:


What if I don’t believe or
understand all of this yet?

That’s a big reason why we exist as church, to help people explore, grow in understanding, and then apply these gospel truths to all of life. And even if you these above explanations are familiar to you, there is still so much more to consider, understand, and apply. So no matter where you find yourself today, we do not put forth these truth statements as a test for belonging, but rather as an honest summation the direction our teachings will take you as you find your way n our community. We are so glad you are here considering with us!