Here at Sideris we have FOUR main foundations classes that we’d love everyone in our community to work through as they get more connected at Sideris. While the classes are sequential in certain respects, many people find themselves completing them in a random order… and that okay! We hope each class bring clarity and understanding to your consideration of the goodness of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.


ALPHA Course

Often times, before people even start attending Sideris or one of our four foundation classes, they sign-up for the Alpha course. Alpha is a great place to start for those who are brand new to Christianity or are coming back to reconsider their faith after a long season away.

To learn more about Alpha and to sign-up, click here.

Newcomers Class / Lunch

This class is For ALL WHO are newER and gives you an introduction to what we see & PRAY God IS doing THROUGH OUR COMMUNITY. We’ll share about our humble beginnings and THE VISION God has called us to PURSUE AS a CHURCH.

Attendees will also get to meet others who are newer to the community and begin building friendship. We’ll also discuss:

  • Why we thought Seattle could use a new church.

  • Why the word “CONSIDER” is so important to us.

  • What the name “SIDERIS” actually means.

  • What the first steps of getting connected look like..

  • How we can begin to serve the city together.

We will also provide plenty of space for you to ask your questions and on these and other topics. We hope this is a beautiful first step for you in finding home while living in the city!

The Gospel Class

What was the original message of Jesus? how ANY LOCAL church answerS this question is the most important THING ABOUT THAT CHURCH. HOpefully THIS CLASS GIVES YOU our CLEAR ANSWER!

In this class, we give an in-depth presentation of the gospel message and God’s hopes about what this good news does in the world. We will ask:

  • How do the historical events of Jesus life, death, and resurrection relate to the whole narrative flow of the Bible?

  • What is the gospel “proper” versus Gospel implications?

  • Why does this true story of God’s grace change the world?

  • Why is an improper understanding of the true gospel message harmful to both individual & churches?

14 Principles Trivia

What guides our community and missional life here?

In this class, you will learn about the 14 principles that guide our community and mission here. We will uncover each principle by searching the Bible to see how our posture and disposition towards one another is the fueled by Jesus himself. We will consider how the 14 principles help us live out the gospel in everyday life, just as Jesus did. 

  • Held at a local watering hole.

  • Trivia style teams work together to search the Scriptures.

  • Fun way to be in the city and converse about Jesus.

In Dave’s words, “This is the trivia night of my dreams!”

Family Membership Class

ONCE YOU’VE spent some time at Sideris the next logical step FOR MANY IS CONSIDERING WHAt it means tHAT CHURCH iS “Family.” This LAST CLASS IS where we TRY TO EXPLAIN this Spiritual reality by asking and answering the questions:

This class will explore the Biblical ideas of family “membership” in a local church and why this is (still) an important part of the Christian life; while showing how it differs from other forms of membership or belonging that we commonly experience in our society.. We will discuss:

  • The function of making promises in community.

  • Distinctives of being a family member at Sideris.

  • Leadership structures we employ in our community.

  • What we teach on important biblical topics.

  • What the Brother Sister Project (click) is and how it helps.