We are excited to create a space to gather and worship Jesus in song and sermon for all in Seattle.
We know not everyone will be able to participate in this limited worship experience and so we will also LIVE-STREAM the worship service here on our youtube channel.
For those joining us in person, a lot has changed since we last gathered indoors pre-COVID… Here's what to expect based on current government guidelines:
25% of seats available by registration only, first-come-first-served basis.
Everyone (over 3) must wear a mask. Extras on-hand if you forget yours.
Temperature checks conducted as you enter the building.
Before and after fellowship (talking) takes place in covered outdoor area.
Seats social distanced. You may sit only with your household or one other household. Please stay at least 6 feet apart from others not in this party party at all times.
We are creating a touch-less experience. No coffee, no food, and grab an individualized communion cups as you enter. You are welcome to bring your own coffee, food & drinks.
By registering you are agreeing to our Sunday Service Guidelines.
It takes us all self-screening and being responsible to maintain this opportunity for our community. Thank you for your help in keeping these worship services safe and available. We would love for as many that are comfortable to be able to attend!
Please email ryan@siderischurch.com with any questions or concerns.